Welcome to
South Lanark Community Garden
We grow food.
We grow community.
We grow community food security.
On 5 acres of farmland near Lanark Village, we are organized as one big garden.
Our volunteers grow and nurture a variety of fresh produce,
and then share in the harvest to meet their needs.
Surplus fresh produce is donated to:
Plan B and the Food Pantry (Lanark)
The Table Community Food Centre (Perth)
The Hunger Stop (Carleton Place)
Come Join Us!
If you like ...
> making friends in the community
> eating garden-fresh food
> gardening (or learning to!)
> growing strong community food security
then join us in the garden!
There are many ways to volunteer your talents:
starting seedlings in the very early spring
garden maintenance
delivering produce
saving seeds
and more...
Whether you are curious or ready to help, please contact us : admin@southlanarkcommunitygarden.org
We need and appreciate your support