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South Lanark Community Garden

About Us

The South Lanark Community Garden (SLCG) was incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in September of 2021. We had operated for the previous 5 years as an unincorporated not for profit.

Board of Directors

The SLCG Board of Directors has seven elected members. In 2026 (after the first five years), new Board members with staggered service times will be elected, and at each subsequent annual general meeting at least two Board members will be elected. Board Members currently in office may seek to be re-elected to the Board.  The Board normally meets monthly.

The Board operates with an executive composed of a Chair, a Vice Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
SLCG also operates with two standing committees, the garden management committee and the greenhouse management committee. Other committees operate as needed.



SLCG members may exercise and voice their views, concerns, general needs and their right to vote by attending the annual general meeting and by engaging in SLCG activities and committee meetings.  Currency of membership (annual renewal) is obtained through volunteering in SLCG activities in the previous year. There is no fee for membership.


SLCG operates with volunteers who are the backbone of our operation. They ensure that the day to day needs of SLCG are realized.  The volunteers may or may not be members of the SLCG but their efforts are truly appreciated.

SLCG operations are guided by Objects of Incorporation,  By-Laws, and Policy & Procedures.


Our Board Members
Sarah Allison
Ramsey Hart, Secretary
Cliff Neudorf, Chair
Greg Stevenson
Kristine Swaren
, Treasurer

Prashanth Vankayalpati

Come Join Us!

If you would like to contribute as a Board member, general member, or volunteer,

or if you are just curious,

please contact us - and do come on out to the garden.

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